As soon as the hot summer air dwindles down and the first browned leaf touches the grass, your kids will probably ask when it’s time to decorate the house for Halloween. Though you’re excited to put out the usual mini pumpkins, witch statues, and fall-themed wreaths, why not switch it up a bit this year? Check out these ideas:
Create Your Own Haunted House
Instead of making the trek across town and spending money to go to a haunted house, why not dress up your home as a spooky and deserted abode? Drape your windows in artificial spider webs and add flickering candles, scatter dead flowers around your porch, and invest in broken-glass stickers.
Spookify Your Landscaping
Those bushes and trees in your yard offer prime real estate for Halloween decorating. Try adding googly eyes or zombie hands to the bushes in your front lawn. If leaves have already fallen off your trees, keep the trash bags of dead leaves outside and decorate those as well.
Embrace DIY Crafts
Spend a free Saturday afternoon taking a trip to Hobby Lobby and sitting around the living room with your kids creating your own perfect Halloween decorations. Try wreaths with scary eyes glued on, empty pumpkins filled with candy corn, candles with spooky faces painted on, or little spiders made out of pipe cleaners.